Saturday, February 1, 2025

Squirrel Damage to Exterior Siding

A door-to-door salesman came by and wanted to paint my house.  He pointed out a spot where there was visible damage to the wood siding over the garage from squirrels chewing on the wood.

 We've had this problem before.  Last time, I painted and added Tabasco sauce to the paint to try to make it undesirable for them to eat, but apparently they are back.  I also found another spot on the East side of the house, near the window into the garage.

I could paint again, but that's a temporary solution, masking the real problem.  And if they kieep chewing on the siding, eventually they will get thru, into the attic.

So I decided to cover the areas where they have been chewing with sheet metal, which they can't chew thru.  I found a roll of roof flashing at Home Depot which I could use.  I also needed caulk, and paint and screws.  It all came to $64.51 for materials.

First I made templates for both spots using a cut-up cardboard box, then once I had the angles and sizes correct, I cut that shape out of the roof flashing.


Then I slathered caulk all around the area where the metal patch would go, and stuck the metal patch over it.


After letting the caulk dry, I could then spray paint the metal, the caulk and everything to get the patch to mostly blend in with the existing siding.

The little one on the side of the garage got the same treatment -- a cardboard template, cutting that from the roll of roofing flashing.   But in this case, it seemed we only needed to cover the 1x4 trim piece.

But in the end, it blends in pretty well.

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